With many countries passing Background DPDPA unique features Way forward: Chandrashekhar’s committment to put in place the rules in 30 days.
Author: Anurag Sharma
Constitution versus Constitutionalism
Constitution and constitutionalism are two closely related concepts that form the foundation of modern democratic societies. While they share a common root in the term “constitution,” they have distinct meanings and implications. A constitution is a fundamental legal document that establishes the framework for governance, delineates the powers and responsibilities of various branches of government, […]
Euthanasia in India
By Anurag Sharma(1) “Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?” – Epicurus, An ancient Greek philosopher. The Supreme Court of India by outlining the philosophical aspects of life and death, […]